Every year our Garage Door Specialists search the internet or Pinterest to get inspired to decorate our Big Garage Door in our showroom.
Below is the inspiration. Three different ideas transpired into one. We spent one afternoon to get it all done. Sara was our leader in getting this put up quickly. It was not expensive as most of the supplies came from the Dollar Store and I think we only spent $10.00 total. The rest was all creativity and using the supplies we already had on hand from previous decorations.
We used clip magnets to hang the cardboard mantel and then stapled the green garland into the cardboard. Added a few bows and Christmas Stockings of all the people who work at A1 Affordable Garage Door Services.
The four Angels are representing the girls in the office that help you when you call to have your garage door repaired. The six gingerbread boys are representing the service technicians that come to your home to fix your garage door problem. This was very easy to make and we all had a lot of fun putting it together!
We didn’t want to add a lot of weight to the garage door so it would still function properly. Do you decorate your garage door for the holidays? Let us know what you think …. thumbs up or down!